best version of yourself

5 ways to become the best version of yourself

Kelly Millar
August 21, 2018

Taking time to check in with ourselves regularly and reflect on our dreams and goals is a crucial part of achieving our next level of success. As a Personal Branding expert and Transformational coach who has coached hundreds of people including entrepreneurs, leaders, celebrities and ceos, I know that self-reflection and self-development are both important steps if you hope to become the best version of yourself.

But it’s not as simple as taking up an extra gym class and cutting back on your drinking. It’s about making lifestyle changes that are going to help you reach your goals and make real and positive changes to your life.

So if you’re looking to become the best version of yourself, here are five ways to help you achieve your goals!

Stop being afraid of failure

Often we are held back by our own fear of failure. After all, it can feel disappointing to try at something and not succeed. But it’s important to remember that everything is a learning curve. If it doesn’t work out the first time, try another approach until you reach your goal. Don’t give up! Persistence is key. If you can set aside your fear of failing, you’ll be more likely to take risks, try new things and move one step closer to becoming the best version of yourself.

Keep learning and growing

You’re never too old to learn something new and you should always be expanding your mind. It’s up to you how you choose to do it, you might take online courses, get a mentor or coach, read books or do some seminars and workshops, but whatever route you choose to take, always keep learning and growing!

Be present in every moment

Many of us fall into the same trap, dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. But if you focus your thoughts on the here and now, and make sure you’re present in every moment, you’ll be much happier. Whether it’s a day in the office, time with family, reading a book or doing your favourite hobby, make sure you embrace every minute of the day.

We know the past is gone and that the future hasn’t arrived yet. If we focus on making our present what we want, life becomes more enjoyable. This is an important skill to understand and practise if you want to become the best version of yourself. As said so perfectly by Oprah Winfrey, “the more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Another important life skill and one which will help you to live your best life, is to not sweat the small stuff. Sometimes we hold onto unnecessary stress or baggage, but the truth is, if you can’t change it then it’s better to just let it go. Sometimes we focus so much on the minor details that we actually miss the bigger picture. So don’t dwell on the little things that don’t matter, and work on being the best version of yourself you can be.

Get the balance right

Balance is the key to a good life. You need to make sure you’ve got a good balance between work and your personal life, and within that you need to make sure you achieve equilibrium for your mind, body and soul. Whether you have a family, friends or a business that you’re always tending to, you need to make time for yourself too. Prioritise what is important and lights you up and ensure you dedicate regular time for yourself – even if it’s just an hour!

Are you ready to become the best version of yourself? Start now to become a thought leader in your industry. Develop or refine your personal brand with our expert personal branding consultants in London.
Email or call: +44 (0) 207 971 7718.
What changes are you looking to make? If you have any tips on how you've made positive changes, we’d love to hear them!

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